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Increasing Awareness Needs to be Top Priority
There are three key elements that form the foundation of a successful and safe year:
  • Awareness
  • Training
  • Environment

The main focus of this safety incentive program is to increase awareness among your employees. Awareness is a somewhat intangible element and can be difficult to deal with. Problems in training or environment are more easily detected, and more easily corrected. Awareness involves human emotions and attention spans, and can be more difficult to detect and correct. We have designed our safety and incentive programs to enhance awareness.

This program focuses on several safety recognition objectives including:

  • Supplements, reinforces and enhances existing corporate safety policies
  • Increases awareness and concern for safety
  • Reduces the number of personal injuries and accidents
  • Reduces Worker's Compensation and insurance premiums
  • Reduces indirect accident costs
  • Recognizes all employees who succeed in meeting corporate safety objectives
  • Improves employee morale
  • Creates positive changes in employee attitudes
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Increase productivity and accuracy
  • Minimize equipment damage
Click here to hear how Stec's Safety Incentive Program has worked for Wharf Resources, Inc.

Contact us at (605) 348-0100 or email us at: stecs@stecsintl.com
Address: P.O. Box 2431, Rapid City, SD 57709